
Through the lens of fiction like The Help, we can draw connections between the historical mistreatment and marginalization of People of Color, specifically in regards to the turbulent history of labor in the United States. Works of historical fiction play a pivotal role in characterizing and accentuating real cultural issues that ripple into today.

By experiencing the accentuated views of characters like Hilly Holbrook, we can see how they play out in more subtle ways in the modern workplace. Rapoports alleged mistreatment of Walker-Hartshorn and other members of his staff stems from a history of taking the labor of People of Color, specifically Black women for granted.

Overall, the media industry has a long way to go when it comes to issues of racial diversity, tokenization, and exploitation. While Bon Appétit may have improved its work environment, it did not come without a significant cost to the workers, the brand, and its audience. The magic of the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen just hasn’t returned.